Momentumless “momentum” | FtS Ep.3

After half a year into my whole agency journey, I was pretty much tired and bored of all the cold calling-, outreach-, production-, management-, tax fillings-, pitch-, client SH*T. And since I neglected the “learn before you earn” essential, it didn’t end up being successful either. So I decided to shift down a gear and do something all by myself, acquiring a skill.

So I said to myself: Let’s build up an Insta page! And so a strong brand, then, maybe a newsletter, an online shop, physical products…

Well lets dive into what I’ve done right and what I have done wrong, and what I have learned.

First of all my plan was to post unique inspirational reels using movie scenes, speeches and podcast. Do this each and everyday for a month and so build a strong foundation for “my newsletter and e-commerce business”. The name of my brand would be “momentum” with the slogan “Mass (knowledge) without velocity (action) equals zero momentum (progress): 𝒑 = 𝒎 𝒙 𝒗”.

Perhaps the single thing that I’ve done correct was to take a specific and tiny niche with existing competitors. I wasn’t the single one to create such inspirational videos at the time, it wasn’t that popular but some big leading pages were there, which some of them had newsletters and others physical products. So my goal was quite realistic.

Same mistakes from the Content Agency were still there, such as not having a concrete and well-structured plan and also no good work (reel) quality. Yet these were solvable. I already had set a short term goal which was to post for one month straight, and after that I could adapt myself according to the result I got and create a suited plan. Or the second point: I was very new into editing and content creation, I struggled to find adequate material like songs or movie scenes, my edits were not good as other big creators, but IT WAS THE F*CKIN POINT? To get better at it through practice. I even noticed my last edits were way better compared to the first ones. So these seem to be excuses?

So, the single major issue for all my business adventures actually was:

Lack of Consistency & Persistency

Yes, the major reason for the unsuccessful outcomes of all my businesses was this.

No need to make this unnecessarily cringe by emphasizing the roles of consistency and persistency.

Yet, one truly has to love and believe in what they do to keep going day after day without getting bored, and to withstand obstacles and challenges along the way.

To love what they do, one has to possess autonomy, competence, and relatedness, and to truly believe in it, it has to become a fulfilling mission.

With that, both you and I know what possible mistakes to avoid and what requirements to meet specifically for a business journey. If you haven’t read the first two articles of the series, I strongly recommend you to, so that you actually get all the concepts.

Don’t get me wrong it’s my duty to tell you and myself my mistakes, get lessons out of them and actually give feedback. We have been underlining how crucial do, get feedback and improve” cycle is.

Yet I couldn’t be more grateful that I started these businesses and they ended up failing.

I am grateful that they failed?? But why the f*ck?? Well..